Friday, 7 December 2012

Kim Hyun Joong revealed to have anonymously donated $46,000 USD to Red Cross

It was recently revealed that the anonymous person who donated 50 million Won ($46,144 USD) to the Korean National Red Cross is in fact SS501‘s Kim Hyun Joong.
One insider stated on December 6th, “I heard that Kim Hyun Joong recently anonymously donated 50 million Won to the Korean National Red Cross to help out those in need.” The Red Cross commented, “It’s true that a famous celebrity donated 50 million Won on December 3rd. The donator insisted that he be kept anonymous, so we cannot reveal his identity.”
Kim Hyun Joong also seems to have kept it from his own agency, Key East, as they reported they knew nothing of the donation.

credits to

seriously,our leader likes keeping secrets

Kim Hyung Jun-"I LOVE YOU" Drama Japan Premium Event


Kim Hyun Joong-2013 Kim Hyun Joong Diary

credits: + @mollybb0706

i want this...............and i want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim Hyun Joong-The Face Shop 2013 Calendar


lol who's that girl?!!!!!!!!!!

Park Jung Min-Twitter Update

오늘 겨울잠자다 넘 일찍일어나~누나와 나와서 오뎅한입!!^~^ 길이 꽁꽁 얼어서 위험!! 출근길 조심하세요!!^^내복 필수!!!!!!완전 부어있는 얼굴은 킵!ㅎ

Hibernated today, woke up very early~ came out with nuna and have a bite of fish cake!!^~^ Road is frozen hard so it's dangerous!! Please be careful on your way to work!!^^Long johns are a must!!!!!!Totally swollen face is big!hee

credits: @JungMin0403 (tweet+photo) + @xiaochu1004 (trans)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Park Jung Min-Arirang Radio Kpoppin (Chinese Trans and english trans)

珉:“Hi 见到你很高兴”
[这段他全部说英文 xDD]

DJ:“在不久前,政珉说要给我们的听众一个简单的测验,他说他要当男艺人中拿第一最漂亮的背/臀部。” 珉:“臀部。哈哈!” DJ:“然后,我们的听众很想知道为什么。所以,你可以告诉我们吗?”

DJ:“你最新的专辑,感觉(制作了)很久因为。。” 珉:“非常久了~” [英文ing~]

DJ:“讲讲你的主打歌《Beautiful》,在公开之后就立刻拿到第一了。在日本也是,在K-style的排行榜上也是第一名。。珉:“谢谢” [他讲“Thank you” xDD DJ:Thank you..哈哈~] DJ:“当你的MV花絮公开的时候,它真的很有趣,因为那花絮很特别,很不一样。。” 珉:“嗯~恩” DJ:“有什么特别的原因让你选择各种不同的场合(拍摄)这花絮吗?”
珉:“噢~” [说着韩文的政珉。。。突然说 “It's unbelievable! Ohhh~~” xDD DJ:哈哈哈~]
DJ说+翻译政珉说的:“所以当你看花絮的时候,里面有很多不一样[珉:非常不一样]的场 景,有外太空的,有disco的,有宾馆的。他说他那样做(让花絮有很多不同的场景),是因为想和粉丝们有玩乐/俏皮的关系。本来想之后问他的这个,他说 他在日本出道为ROMEO,他(ROMEO)是一位很黑的形象 [珉插嘴:“不~不~不~ROMEO(发音)” 英文ing..xDD DJ:“哈哈哈~ROMEO,ok。哈哈” ]

DJ: “因为那(ROMEO)是一个黑的形象,所以他很想(在韩文专辑里)呈现出不一样的形象给可能有一点点误会他(黑形象的ROMEO)的粉丝们。你也写了《Beautiful》的歌词!灵感来自哪里?”
珉:“噢~~哈哈哈。这。。100%都是想象出来的。” [DJ+珉:哈哈哈哈哈~~]

DJ翻译:“他说那是100%想象出来的,因为我去试图找出(想让他说出)会不会有一个女 生在他的生命里。。但,无论如何他说这和之前写过的《每天每天都是圣诞节》还有很多其他的不一样,因为那些比较详细和有负担,但是这特定的歌曲比较丰富, 明朗还有性感。他说这些都是他想象出来(歌词)的。现在,让我们听听朴政珉最新的歌曲,他那想象(歌词)的歌曲《Beautiful》” 珉:“Beautiful!” [珉(韩文):“你在说听听看《Beautiful》,对吧?让我们听听看《Beautiful》怎么讲?”] DJ:“Let's take a listen” 珉:“Let's take a listen,Beaitiful!” [DJ&珉:哈哈哈~~]

珉:“为什么?哈哈~看来很多人都很好奇为什么。。” [韩文ing~] DJ+翻译珉说的:“很多听众都问为什么我(名字)会在这上面。那是因为我有帮忙(这专辑),那里有很多英文在《Beautiful》里,我帮忙英文录音,那个时候起,他很享受(感激/欣赏)我帮忙他。所以,我以后可能会帮忙他(在歌曲)。那么,在下次的专访,政珉可能会说英文 珉:“YES!I did。” [他说:是的,我会那样。应该是Yes,i will啦!xD]

DJ翻译+珉:“我呢~~ 唱歌,演戏。。全部都喜欢,如果真的要选的话,我想当DJ。虽然当DJ,大家都看不到,但是却可以和大家沟通,直播的时候,会让我感觉很实在,这很有趣。”
DJ翻译+珉:“我在20岁当过DJ,那时很精力充沛,现在25岁,25岁半 (DJ问珉:25岁很大差别吗?)哈哈!现在25岁想比较平衡,安静一点点,和认真一点点。现在和你做节目(上电台)觉得可以学英文,感觉很有趣。”

珉:“嗯~嗯,学生,学生。我是学生。。25岁的。” [英文ing~] DJ:“听起来不错。哈哈~”

珉:“朴政珉是我。哈哈哈~” [英文ing~他说完之后大笑。xDD]
DJ翻译+珉:“朴政珉是我。ROMEO的性质是和朴政珉完全不一样的,完全逃离朴政珉的 形象的一个人。朴政珉的形象是他是一个偶像,健康的,有着阳光的形象;当他是ROMEO的时候,他完全不一样,他可以逃离那些所有的形象,成为另外一个崭 新的人,也可以让他只专心在音乐上。”

DJ:“你觉得韩国舞台和日本舞台有什么差别?” 珉:“很不同~很多很多。” [英文+韩文ing]

珉:“没分别” [英文ing~] DJ:“全部都一样吗?” 珉:“一样” [英文ing~]
DJ翻译:“他说显然变得非常相似。他第一次(和SS501成员)去日本的时候,大家(粉 丝们)都很安静,很日本的风格(安静);但是在网路上,现在粉丝们支持偶像的行为都很明显,他们的行动现在都变得一样了,不管他去到哪里(粉丝们的行为) 也一样。谢谢网路让所有的文化(不同国家的粉丝们)融合在一起。你说日本的粉丝们有着比较可爱的声音。” 珉:“对~声音。。Jeong-Min~Jeong-Min~” DJ:哈哈哈~

DJ翻译+珉:“粉丝的礼物哦。。嗯。。。我出演/放送的时候说过的东西,粉丝们都有注意到,我说过我没有眼罩睡不着,于是我收到很多眼罩的礼物。” DJ:“真的吗?” 珉:“真的!It's unbelievable?No. It's true!” [韩文+英文ing]

珉:“XXXXXX~~” [日文ing~~ 听不懂。XD]
珉:“我很开心日本粉丝们也在收听这个节目,我现在在韩国努力着,然后我很快会去日本,那个时候希望大家也要支持我哦。” [韩文ing~]

DJ翻译+珉:“Zuwan其实就是制作这张专辑的人, Zuwan也是制作人。现在让我们听听这首歌曲 - 있잖아요。”

DJ:“唱多一点!” 珉:“있잖아요~~Yeah~~~”
DJ翻译(珉):“他说虽然唱着,可是那种情感~那种情感~ 我的天啊。。”

DJ:“如果你现在才收听的话,你错过了精彩的部分。朴政珉现在正在直播室。现在我们要更加了解他。” 珉:“更多” [他重复着DJ的“a little bit more”..XDD]

DJ:“那么,现在的问题是,你只需要回答yes或则no。” 珉:“Yes or no? YES!” [DJ+珉:哈哈~]




珉:“我觉得。。YES!” [英文ing~]



珉:“不~不~不~一杯香槟(的热量)。。十。。六” [英文ing~~]
DJ:“16?” [DJ+珉:哈哈哈哈哈!]
珉:“16的热量,啤酒有200。” [英文ing~~]
珉:“啊~哈!啊~哈!” DJ:“对吧?如果你喝500cc香槟,我觉得那会和啤酒。。。”
珉:“我不觉得。” [英文ing~S不认输,在模仿DJ说话xD DJ:哈哈~]

DJ翻译+珉:“恩~我到现在都没什么特别的才艺,8年了。我的声音和Kim-Dong-Yun前辈有点像,所以在这方面练习了一点。唱一下他的歌好了,那歌曲 - XX,你知道吗?要找吗?哈哈!” [唱歌ing~]
珉:“政珉~政珉” [韩文ing~]

珉:“自己旅行。。。 It's unbelieveable. 哈哈~”
[这段,我听不懂他说啥。DJ翻译也听不是很懂。== 所以,我就不翻译了。]

珉:“我啊~~ 我喜欢煮饭。我在父母亲节的时候为父母煮过pasta,大部分的男生都不会煮pasta,可是我做到了。” [韩文ing~]

DJ:“我们的制作人(资料显示)说香槟的热量比啤酒的少。” 珉:“对吧?” [韩文ing~]
DJ:“wow~政珉很聪明。” 珉:“聪明~我很聪明。” [英文ing~]
DJ:“政珉很聪明。” 珉:“非常非常聪明。” [英文ing~讲很多次了喂!xDD]
DJ:“或许我该开始喝香槟,而不喝啤酒。” 珉:“恩~对。”
珉:“화이팅! 哦~不是~英文的话,不是说figthing吧?” [韩文ing~]
珉:“Go!Go!” [英文ing~] 珉:“这样说吗?” [韩文ing~]

DJ:“ok,政珉在圣诞节有什么计划吗?” 珉:“圣诞节?恩。。。” [英文ing~]
DJ:“计划” 珉:“计划。。恩~没有计划。” [英文ing~] DJ:“哈哈哈哈~~”
珉:“Because i don't have girlfriend, 아마 may be i 같이 with.... my family..”
[珉的英文+韩文 听S我了!xDDDD 他说因为他没有女朋友,所以可能会和家人一起渡过。]
珉:“普通人应该都会那样。。。jump jump jump Christmas baby..” [韩文ing~ 中间的听不懂他说啥,DJ只是在笑,也没有翻译。T__T] DJ:“Oh~no.” 珉:“Oh~no.” [这38,一直学DJ说的话。xD] DJ:“ok,那么生日你要什么?” 珉:“(自己)讲的话很奇怪。” [韩文ing~]

DJ:“那么,2013你有什么愿望?” DJ翻译:“那么看来政珉会有很多要做(在2013),不只是忙他的事业(在韩国),4月也会在日本有很多活动。不只是以歌手那样的身份,他也要以演员的身份(不同的一面)呈现给大家。那些错过了政珉的(2012年的活动),2013年他会呈现更多给大家。”

DJ:“最后,我们想让你选一首Kpop歌曲,你说这首歌曲有特别的故事/原因。可以告诉我们吗?” 珉:“噢~这是我对喜欢的团体的歌曲。” [韩文ing~] DJ+珉:“哈哈哈哈哈~~”
DJ翻译:“他选择SS501的One Day Only(Haruman),那不是因为那是他/他们的歌曲,而是因为当你听这首歌的时候,它让你感动,不只是那样,感觉它会把你的情绪都带出来。当他(珉)每次在听的时候,会带出他的眼泪。所以,他想和所有的听众分享,让大家感受当他在听这首歌曲的时候那种感觉。好~政珉,等等。但这访问太短了。”

珉:“阿~~I don't go.” [英文ing~ 我不要走。] DJ:“哈哈哈~他不要走。我们也不想你走~” 珉:“我留下来。” [英文ing~] DJ:“阿~~不。他的经理人在外面说他必须去另外一个通告。谢谢政珉上我们的节目,或许下一季我们的Kpopin' 可以选新的节目教政珉说英文。” 珉:“嗯!一定要!学生,我是学生。” [韩文+英文ing~~] DJ:“ok。我们再次谢谢政珉,现在听听看SS501的One Day Onle (Haruman),我们下次再见。Bye~ ” 珉:“Haruman~ 阿~怎么说?请教我说。” [韩文ing~] DJ:“Take a listen。” 珉:“Take a listen。Bye~I'm Park Jung Min”

credits: jhchan501 (trans  
English trans:

DJ: "Today, we have Park Jung Min in our radio! Hello!"Min: "Hello, my name is Park Jung Min Ha ha ha ha!"DJ: "Hi"Min: "Hi nice to meet you."[At this all speak English xDD]DJ: "Not long ago, Jung Min said to give our audience a simple quiz, he said he wanted to become male artist to take first the most beautiful back / buttocks." Min: "hips.!" DJ: then, our audience would like to know why, so you can tell us? "Min (DJ translation): "ah ~ because (as an artist) in terms of exercise, can not neglect, there is my mood / emotions and back / hips."DJ: "Your latest album, feeling (making) a long time." Min: "a very long time to" [English ing ~~]DJ: "because you do all of your production, looking concept, MV, songs, lyrics. All!"Min (DJ translation): "Yeah .. Oh ~ ~ Yes! Right! I was involved in all, I do not want people to see only singers only, I would like to participate in the work (as an artist), I (100 %) participated in all (the album to the production of the MV), including all the little things. "DJ: "something about your hit song" Beautiful "in the open immediately get the first. In Japan, too, is also the first place in the K-style ranking." Min: "Thank you," [He speaking "Thank you" xDD DJ: Thank you .. ha ha] DJ: "when your MV tidbits publicly when it was really interesting, because that footage is very special, very different.." Min: "ah ~ Well "DJ:" any particular reason for you to choose from a variety of different occasions (shooting) This footage?Min: "Oh ~" [spoke Korean Jung Min. . . Suddenly said, "It's unbelievable! Ohhh ~ ~" xDD DJ: Ha ha ha ~]DJ + Translation Jung Min said: "So when you look at the footage when there are many different [Min: very different] scene, outer space, disco, hotel and he said he did do (Highlights There are many different scenarios), had wanted to after asked him this because I wanted the fans fun / playful relationship., he said his debut in Japan ROMEO (ROMEO) is a very dark the image. [Min interjected: "not ~ not ~ not ~ ROMEO (pronunciation) the English ing .. xDD DJ:" Ha ha ha to ROMEO, ok. "]DJ: "because that (ROMEO) is a black image, so he wanted to (Korean album) showing a different image to a little misunderstanding (black image ROMEO) fans you also write "Beautiful" lyrics! inspiration come from? "CM: Oh ~ ~ ha ha ha. 100% is to imagine it. "[DJ + Min: Ha ha ha ha ha ~ ~]DJ translation: "He said it was 100% imagination, because I went to try to find out (want him to tell me) not a girl in his life, but, in any case, he said this and before write over "Every day is Christmas," there are many other different, because the more detailed and burden, but this particular song is rich, bright and sexy, he said he imagined these are ( lyrics) Now, let us listen to the latest songs in Park Jung Min, his imagination (lyrics) song "Beautiful." Min: "Beautiful!" [Min (Korean): "you say listen to" Beautiful " , right? Let's listen to "Beautiful" how to speak? "] DJ:" Let's take a listen "Min:" Let's take a listen, Beaitiful! "DJ & Min: Ha ha ha ~ ~]DJ: "We continue to know Piao Cheng-Min of you in to listen to the Arirang's Kpopin '. Us some listeners have the problem. WUOI6820 said: Brother, I bought a your album, but why have Isak (This DJ) name will be on top. "Min: "Why? Haha ~ It seems a lot of people are curious why." [Korean ing to] the DJ + translate Min said: "A lot of the audience asked why I (name) in it that is because I have to help (this album), there is a lot of English "Beautiful", I help English recordings, since at that time, he enjoyed (gratitude / appreciation) I help him so I might help him (the song). in the next interview, Jung Min may speak English. "Min:" YES! I did. "he said: Yes, I would. Yes, i will you! xD]DJ: "PJ2053 your singing, acting, song and dance, DJ, all you've got, which is your favorite?"DJ translate + Min: "I ~ ~ singing and acting. All like, if you really want to choose, I want to be a DJ. Although when the DJ, everyone can not see, but can communicate with everyone, live time, would make me feel very real, this is very interesting. "DJ: "If you have a chance when the DJ if you want to do the program?"+ DJ translate Min: "I had been a 20-year-old DJ, was very energetic, now 25 years old, 25 years old? (DJ Q Min: 25-year-old big difference?) Ha ha! Now 25-year-old would like to be more balanced, quiet a little bit, and seriously a little bit now and you do show (on the radio) that can learn English, I feel very interesting. "Min: "ah ~ ah, students, I students 25 years of age." [English ing ~ DJ: "Sounds good. ~"DJ: "2859 in South Korea, you are Park Jung Min; Japan, you ROMEO ha ha ha ~ (Min said) like earlier you said So, which one is more like you? You feel like you ROMEO or South Korea Park Jung Min is you? "Min: Park Jung Min I ha ha ha "[ing ~ he finished laughing. xDD]DJ translate + Min: "Park Jung Min is my ROMEO's nature is and Park Jung Min totally do not like the, entirely fled Piao Cheng-Min, the image of a person. Piao Cheng-Min, the image that he is an idol, a healthy, has the image of the sun; When he is ROMEO time, he does not like, he can escape from all of those image and become a new person, but also allows him to only concentrate on the music. "DJ: "Do you think that Korea the arena and Japan stage have what is the difference?" Min: "It is different to a lot." [English + Korean ing]+ DJ translate Min: "In South Korea, all of the performances are in accordance with the trip, when to shoot there, where the station when performers for performers and fans in Japan are more like concerts feel. "DJ: "the fans do? Fans in South Korea and in Japan the fans."Min: "no different [English ing ~ DJ:" all this? "Min:", like "[English ing to]DJ translation: "he said, apparently very similar his first (and SS501 members) when to go to Japan, we (fans) are very quiet, very Japanese style (quiet); But on the Internet, and now fans supported the idol of behavior are apparent, and their actions are becoming the same, no matter where he went to (the behavior of the fans). thank you Internet culture (fans) of the different countries together You said the Japanese fans have a lovely voice. "Min: to sound. Jeong-Min to Jeong-Min to DJ: Ha ha ha ~DJ: then (received) gifts will be very different from it? Korean fans and Japanese fans. "+ DJ translate Min: "Fans gift Oh .. ah .. I starred / run when something said fans have noticed, I said I did not have goggles could not sleep, so I received a lot of goggles gift. "DJ:" Really? "Min:" Really! It's unbelievable? No. It's true! "[Korean + English ing]DJ: "Here we have a lot of fans from Japan listeners, you say just a little more to the Japanese fans?"Min: "XXXXXX" Japanese ing ~ ~ do not understand. XD]DJ: "ok, then you.. Said in Japanese, what?"Min: "I am very happy Japanese fans also listen to this program, I am now in South Korean efforts forward, then I will soon go to Japan, then we also need to support my oh." [Korean ing to]DJ: "Now we are going to listen to a song, tell us more about this soon-to-play songs."DJ translated + Min: "Zuwan in fact, is the production of this album, Zuwan is also a producer. Now let us hear this song - 있잖아요."DJ: "sing a little more!" Min: "있잖아요 ~ ~~ Yeah ~ ~~ ~~DJ the translation (Min): "He said that although the singing, but that kind of emotion to the kind of emotion to my God."DJ: "If you are only listening to the words, you miss the exciting part. Park Jung Min is now being broadcast room. Now we want to be more understanding of him." Min: "More," he repeated with a DJ "a little bit more". . XDD]DJ: "Well, the problem now is that you only need to answer a yes or no." Min: "Yes or no? YES!" [DJ + CM: Haha ~]DJ: "To be honest (answer) Oh you are very satisfied with their appearance?Min: "YES!"DJ: "on the program, I will be in front of the mirror exercises expression."Min: "YES!"DJ: "You have a person to travel over."Min: "YES!"DJ: "You will be cooking?"Min: "I think YES!" [English ing ~]DJ: "your phone, your mother?"Min: "NO ~ NO ~"DJ: "So, your appearance is very satisfied?"Min (DJ translation): "I am quite satisfied with their appearance, I do not think people will be 100% satisfied with their appearance, I just go to have confidence in their appearance, so that people will have confidence in ourselves."DJ: "Do you like to drink beer?"Min: "Beer? Grace to me like beer, I like champagne. Champagne heat."English ing ~ he wanted to speak low heat of champagne. ]DJ: "will be lower than beer? I do not think, I think the champagne heat will be higher."Min: "not to not to not to a glass of champagne (the heat). 2.6 11." [English ing to]DJ: "16?" [DJ + Min: Ha ha ha ha ha! ]Min: 16 calories, beer 200. "[English ing ~~]DJ: "But the component where the difference between a small cup of champagne than beer."CM: "ah ha! Ah ~ ha!" DJ: "right? If you drink 500cc champagne, I think that would be and beer."Min: "I do not think." [English ing ~ S does not throw in the towel, in imitation of the DJ talking xD DJ: Haha ~]DJ: "You say you learn / practice. Learning / practice what?"DJ translation + CM: "Well to me to now nothing special talent, 8 years a bit like my voice, and Kim-Dong-Yun predecessors, so a little practice in this regard. Sing his songs, That song - XX, you know? looking for it? ha ha! "[sing ing ~]DJ: "I think (singing voice) or more like Jung Min. But I like Jung Min's voice."Min: Jung Min ~ political Min "Korean ing to]DJ: "You say you've been to travel? Where did you go?"Min: "their own travel. It's unbelieveable haha ​​~[This, I do not understand his spade. DJ the translation also listen not really understand. == So, I will not translate. ]DJ translation: "He said he sometimes there will be tour. Every time the tour will go for a walk in the afternoon, and go to a new place to walk around."DJ: "You say you're cooking, you cook what?"Min: "I ah ~ ~ I like cooking section when my parents for parents cooked pasta, most of the boys will not cook pasta, but I did it." [Korean ing to]DJ: "Our producer (information) champagne calories less than beer." Min: "Right?" [Korean ing ~~]DJ: "wow ~~ Jung Min is very smart." Min: "smart ~ I'm smart." [English ing ~]DJ: "Jung Min is very smart." Min: "very, very smart." [The English ing ~ speak many times Hello! xDD]DJ: "Perhaps I began to drink champagne, but do not drink beer." Min: "Well to."DJ translation: "Jung Min said that if you want to reduce 10 kg, put all you drink beer turn to champagne, because of the relatively high alcohol beer, so it should not drink there is in what you do not have to eat, that would be good (can reduce 10 kg).Min: "화이팅 Oh ~ not ~ English, not said figthing right?" [Korean ing to]Min: "Go! Go!" [English ing ~] Min: "to say so?" [Korean ing to]DJ: "ok, Jung Min at Christmas have any plans for it?" Min: "Christmas?. [English ing ~]DJ: "plan" Min: "plan. Well to have no plans." [English ing ~ DJ: "Ha ha ha ha ~ ~Min: "Because i don't have girlfriend, 아마 may be i 같이 with .... my family .."[Min English + Korean listening to S me! xDDDD He said that may be because he did not have a girlfriend, and his family ride. ]DJ: "ok, then you and your family with the tide In fact, in the United States, other countries, Christmas is a family time, not a lover of time, so you will get over the Western-style Christmas."Min: "ordinary people should be so jump jump jump Christmas baby .." [Korean ing ~ the middle of listening to understand he say, DJ just laughing, no translation. T__T] DJ: "Oh ~ no." Min: "Oh to no." [38, has been learning the DJ said. xD] DJ: "ok, then the birthday you want to what?" Min: "if (own) speaks very strange." [Korean ing to]DJ: "Well, 2013 you have the desire?" DJ translation: "So it seems JungMin there will be a lot to do (in 2013), is not only busy with his career (in South Korea), April will be in Japan. activities not only is the singer as identity, but also as an actor (side) presented to everyone who missed JungMin activities (2012), in 2013, he will show more to everyone. "DJ: "Finally, we want you to choose a Kpop songs, you said that this song has a special story / reason can tell us?" Min: "Oh this is my favorite groups of songs." Korean ing ~] DJ + Min: "Ha ha ha ha ha ~ ~DJ: "He said his favorite groups, I am curious why (he did)."DJ translation: "he chose SS501's One Day Only (Haruman), it is not because it is his / their songs, but because when you listen to this song, it makes you move, and not only that, I feel it will bring out your emotions will bring out his tears when he (Min) each listening, so he wanted to share with all listeners, so that we feel when he was listening to this song feeling. ~ Jung Min, etc. But this visit was too short. "CM: "A ~~ ~~ I do not go." The English ing ~ I do not go. ] DJ: "Ha ha ha to him not to go. We do not want you to go to" Min: "I left." The English ing to DJ: Ah ~ ~ his manager out that he must go to another a notice on our program. Xiexie Zheng Min, perhaps next season our Kpopin 'can elect a new program to teach JungMin speak English. "Min:" ah! must! students, I am a student. "[Korean + ing ~ ~] DJ: "ok. again Xiexie Zheng Min, SS501's the One Day Onle (Haruman) listen, we see you next time. and Bye ~," Min: "Haruman to A ~ how to say? ask me that." Korean ing to DJ: "Take a the listen." Min: "Take a the listen Bye ~ I'm Park Jung Min" 

----I'm not really good at translating.Im sorry for wrong translations and all might not be correct:Dthis is done by me alone and nobody elseD

Credits to @kaye_13ss501 (translations chinese to english) and @jhchan501 to chinese:D
Hello guys:D I'm really sorry for updating late at times....If you want,i post very fast on my twitter account=))))))if you want you can follow me therey id is kaye_13ss501

im really sorry

thanks and bye

Kim Hyung Jun-At Gimpo Aiport (Back from Japan)


Kim Kyu Jong-Visited A Restaurant


Kim Hyung Jun_S-Plus Entertainment Update


Kim Hyun Joong-Japan Mobile Staff Blog

credits: as tagged

Park Jung Min-Featured in ODINA Vol.10



credits: makiko